วันเสาร์ที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Feather Hi-Stainless Platimum Double Edge Razor Blades 100 Ct

Product Description

Feather Razor Blades New Hi Stainless Double Edge , Panas Ic Es La63 S Mens 4 Blade , Panas Ic Es La93 K Mens 4 Blade , Panas Ic Es Lv81 K Arc 5 Multi Flex Wetdry Nanotech Sal, Panas Ic Es8249s Mens 4 Blade , Package Quantity: 100 Feather Hi-Stainless Blades are renowned for being the sharpest double edge razor blades on the market. These blades feature a platinum coating for enhanced comfort and will fit most traditional double edge razors. Made in Japan, the platinum coated Feather is exceptionally sharp but will reward you with the closest shave.
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This review is from: Feather Hi-Stainless Platimum Double Edge Razor Blades 50 Ct (Health and Beauty)
Like most others who have reviewedMerkur Model 178 Classic Safety Razor, Straight these Feather10 Feather Razor Blades NEW Hi-stainless Double Edge razor blades I have recoiled at the price of the current crop of safety razors. I ordered the Merkur standard safety razor which seems to be the same as the old Gillette from my father's and my earlier times shaving and the Feather blades in this small package on recommendations of others here on Amazon. Enclosed with the razor was one sample Merkur blade, but I used the Feather first carefully for about 5 days at which time I felt it began to lose it's sharpness somewhat. So I then tried the Merkur blade which was not as good the first time as the Feather was on day 5 of shaving. Thus I am grateful for the previous reviewers' accuracy. I will buy more Feathers in the future. I must say that I was amused at the price of the Merkur razor in that I grew up at a time when Gillette practically gave away their safety razors in order to sell their blades. The initial investment in the razor and the blades will recoup itself in a few months and I estimate a yearly savings of about $100 or so at least and far less plastic pollution.

