Product Description
, Aprica Presto Stroller, Loft Brown
, Baby Jogger 2011 City Mini Single Stroller, Crimson/Gray
, Baby Jogger 2011 City Select Single Stroller, Onyx
, BOB Revolution SE Single Stroller, Black
, Britax B-Agile Stroller, Red
, Britax B-Ready Stroller, Red
, Chicco Cortina Keyfit 30 Travel System, Miro
, Chicco Cortina Together Double Stroller, Fuego
, Chicco Liteway Stroller, Fuego
, Chicco Trevi Stroller, Fuego
From the Manufacturer From the Manufacturer
- Up to 90CFM (maximum RPM).
- 19 dB-A silent application for CPU cooling.
- RoHS compliance for protecting the environment.
- Recommended for V10, V8, Hyper 212, Hyper Z600, Gemini, Cosmos, Cosmos S, HAF 932, HAF 922, CM Storm Scout and Sniper.
- 50,000 fan life expectancy.